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Dark Room
Dark Room
Dark room
Dark Room
Lighting Design for Theatre
2011 - 2019



Kumar! 2015

Happy Ever Laughter

The Henderson Project

Crazy Christmas 2013

Broadway Beng 5

Kumar! 2012

Crazy Christmas 2012

Company The Musical

The Hossan Leong Show

Happy Ever Laugher




Emperor's New Clothes

Another Country

Monkey Goes West

Cook A Pot Of Curry

Cooling Of Day




A Cage Goes In Search Of A Bird




The Taming Of The Shrew

Before After

The Tempest

A Winter's Tale

Orpheus Descending

Exit The King






Ghost Writer

Actor 40








Puccini's Turandot

Mozart's Cosi Fan Tutte

Lehar's The Merry Widow




The Turn Of The Screw

(Benjamin Britton)




Dark Room (2016)



Dark Room x 8








Directed by Selena Tan

Directed by Selena Tan

Produced by Selena Tan

Directed by Selena Tan

Directed by Selena Tan

Directed by George Chan

Directed by Selena Tan

Directed by Hossan Leong

Directed by Selena Tan

Directed by Selena Tan




Directed by Pam Oei

Directed by Ivan Heng & Jo Kukathas

Directed by Sebastian Tan

Directed by Glen Goei

Directed by Ivan Heng




Directed by Edith Podesta




Directed by Stefanos Rassios

Directed by Stefanos Rassios

Directed by Paul McCraken

Directed by Adam Marple

Directed by Stefanos Rassios

Directed by Alain Timar




Directed by Alvin Tan

Directed by Alvin Tan

Directed by Alvin Tan

Directed by Alvin Tan



Directed by Goh Boon Teck





Directed by Lo Kingman

Directed by Tom Hawkes

Directed by David Edwards




Directed by Stefanos Rassios





Directed by Edith Podesta,

commissioned by Esplanade (Studio Series)


Directed by Edith Podesta,

commissioned by Esplanade (Studio Series)


Directed by Edith Podesta


Directed by Edith Podesta 

For National University of Singapore Arts Festival 2014

Dream Academy













W!ld Rice








A Group of People




LASALLE College Of The Arts









The Necessary Stage







Toy Factory




Singapore Lyric Opera






New Opera Singapore





Independent Projects




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